Remote Blood Pressure Cuff
Remote Blood Pressure Monitor is an effective way of taking care of patients with hypertension and many other ailments. It is extremely simple to use.
Healthmote Remote Blood Glucose Monitoring Device is the most optimum way for providers to keep a real-time track of their patient’s blood glucose levels. Diabetes is the leading cause of serious cardiovascular complications which lead to ER visits, amputations, strokes, etc.
The system comes with a cellular connection built into the device so that as soon as the patient takes a reading, their data is sent to the provider’s portal in real-time. It is an easy-to-use device that comes in a bundle with lancets, control solutions, test strips, and the meter itself.
Traditionally, the blood glucose monitoring device does not have any connectivity or uses Bluetooth/Wi-Fi to connect to patient’s phones. We realize that smartphones and apps could be challenging to use for the Medicare patient population.